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Shadow People in Ghost Hunting

I want to share a nice article that i read in a website, that is really useful

Shadow people are very common phenomena in the paranormal field. Known to be quite elusive these shadowy beings often appear out of the corner of your eye. When you draw your attention to them they vanish. Shadow people can vary in form, but are often said to take the shape of a man

The main characteristic of a shadow person is the level of darkness they are composed of. They are so dark that you can actually see them well in a dark room. This complete absence of light can only lead us to speculate on what they are made up of. Theories that they are inter dimensional beings or even spirit guardians are quite popular among those who have experienced or researched them.

What’s the difference between a shadow person and a full bodied apparition?

This is a question that a lot of ghost hunters ask when first starting out. There are many theories surrounding the origin of shadow people. Whether or not you’re dealing with a human spirit is still up for debate.

A full bodied apparition is said to be the ghost of a previous inhabitant or an earth bound spirit tied to a location. Often times this is a result of a residual haunting where the spirit is not aware of the physical world and is almost said to be playing “on a loop”.

Shadow people tend to be more elusive as it is rare that one would be seen directly. This elusiveness leads many to wonder if there is intelligence behind their visits.

The best way to capture a shadow person during a paranormal investigation is through camera or video equipment. There have been many notable pieces of evidence on well known ghost hunting programs such as Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters for example. Often times due to their elusiveness however shadow people will just be categorized as a personal experience.

I just wanted to touch briefly on shadow people since it is a topic I’m asked about often. Even if a location is not known to be haunted people can experience these strange beings. Let us know if you’ve ever had a run in with these shadowy visitors


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