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Moon Energy

Using Moon Sign Energy in Your Daily Life
By Rebecca Brents

It's an interesting bit of Astrological wisdom that if you schedule your daily activities while keeping in mind the Moon's position in the sky that day, you'll give yourself a little cosmic edge in getting through your To-Do list faster, better and more successfully -- especially on the days when the Moon changes signs. As always, you'll need to avoid starting anything important when the Moon is void of course, but going with the flow of celestial currents in the daily tasks and chores you have to get done as a regular part of life brings that extra boost of help we all can use -- with a sigh of relief ... and thanks.

So, get yourself an astrological calendar. (My hands-down favorite is Jim Maynard's "Pocket Astrologer." ) And keep track of the Moon's position in the signs as it travels through the Zodiac each month. It creates a rhythm that is efficient, natural and often oh-so-welcome -- especially when you face a myriad of options and are wondering what on earth to do next. The suggestions of the Moon-sign-energy- of-the-moment can help you make a choice.

The Cardinal Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Cardinal Sign energy is focused, intense, dynamic and self-propelling. It gets things going and keeps them moving -- even if it has to get a little pushy in the process. Use this energy for starting new projects, beginning new ventures and making progress.

Aries energy is good for launching things that are important to you personally, where your initiative and direction are essential to your eventual success. Cancer energy is good for dealing with family matters and doing things around your home, such as cleaning, decorating, making repairs or doing maintenance chores. Libra energy is good for dealing with relationship issues, teamwork efforts, matters that require negotiation and diplomacy and activities where you have to take other people into account. Capricorn energy is good for starting professional ventures, dealing with "authority figures" and generally "taking care of business."

The Fixed Signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Fixed Sign energy is relatively calm, steady, laid-back and durable. It sets a slower-than- normal pace and encourages you to fortify, stabilize and nourish what you have already started -- or what you already have. It supports work-in-progress ... and gives you a little extra breathing room to concentrate and center yourself.

Taurus energy is good for dealing with financial matters -- such as paying bills, things that support you and your lifestyle, activities that involve "nourishment" -- such as cooking, meal planning, grocery shopping, and activities that calm and soothe ... like gardening, planning, resting and taking care of yourself. Leo energy is good for self-promotion ... and having fun. It supports hobbies, leisure activities, creativity, romance ... and time spent with your children and brain-children. Scorpio energy is good for clearing out life's clutter and "deadwood," making refinements and improvements, dealing with jointly held property and assets, and making passionate love!! Aquarius energy is good for taking risks, doing something unusual, pursuing ventures that require ingenuity or a novel approach, showing your independence and breaking out of your rut.

The Mutable Signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Mutable Sign energy is versatile, changeable, flexible and responsive. It supports activities where there are a lot of little things to consider, where diversity is an integral feature and where multi-tasking -- or at least the ability to tend to a changing variety of tasks -- is important.

Gemini energy is good for tasks that require mobility, cleverness, communication and resourcefulness -- like running errands, data-gathering, letter-writing and list-making. Virgo energy is good for projects that require careful attention to details, that help you live more efficiently, that deal with health care ... and "tying up loose ends." Sagittarius energy is good for activities that involve teaching, learning, travel and education -- experiences that ask you to stretch your mind and widen your intellectual horizons. Pisces energy supports projects that involve creative inspiration, artistic expression, charitable impulses, spiritual information, therapy, physical or psychological healing ... and serious "rest and recuperation. "

If you're lucky enough to have days -- or a life -- where you can call your time your own, setting your course with the Moon's invitations in mind can help you find a wonderful sense of "rightness" in your world ... and that feeling, believe me, is a blessing all its own!