Crystal Mandala Oracle - Matangi & Heliotrope |
We bring you the confidence to see that there's already value
It's quite acceptable creative people to get overly excited when a new opportunity / possibility turns up on their door step.
Generally creative mind is future oriented.
Creative mind people are excited for what might have happen in the future, they are excited to unfold what yet to be happen, this is might sound unusual and weird but, it's ok to be excited for what future might bring.
Newness is good, it brings excitement and hope.
This can be helpful and useful, you'll have something to look forward to.
Newness brings new things & uplifting energy
Time to time you need to press the pause button and think of the energy you are releasing
It'll help you. you won't have to block all the energies, and suppress the ones you might need in the future and when you suppress all will be thrown at the back drawers and it'll will be painful to get them back from those drawers
Pause them learn how to deal with it and over come those energies start the future with a new bright energy.
This will be helping you. in the future.
You are guided to use your creative skills & efforts.
Ascended Master Kuan Yin & Pearl |
Guan Yin "Goddess of Mercy" The One Who Perceives the Sounds of the World
Guan Yin (Kuan Yin) referred to be most beloved Buddhist divinity with miraculous powers to help to the ones who prays to her.
She's the goddess of mercy.
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards, Lugh- Sun of God |
Lugh is a Celtic Sun of God
He is sometimes interpreted as a sun god, a storm god or a sky god. Lugh is also strongly associated with the harvest festival of Lughnasadh, which is named after him.
Ascended Masters- Archangel Hilarion |
Prayer to Ascended Master Hilarion
" Master Hilarion , please
give me your gifts and blessings. Please give me access to the truth, help me penetrate the veil of lies and doubt and to always reach the truth in any situation in life. Help Me To - Archangel's by Raphael - The healer, Of The BODIES, Minds And Souls To Heal Me From All Points Of View. The Give Me, please's, All The Gifts That You Think And bLess the I Need Me. ".
Thank you.
See Other Person's Point Of View (Avalokitesvara) |
Today I decided to use my Ascended Masters Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue to ask What's your message to the world today?The Card I picked is See Other Person's Point of View. The healer & Master of this AvalokitesvaraA Buddhist Master I am quite French too Buddhism so I asked my best friend Wiki :) she has got answers to my questions.Avalokiteshvara (or Avalokitesvara) is a Bodhisattva who represents compassion, and his mantra also symbolizes that quality. Avalokiteshvara means "The Lord Who Looks Down (in compassion)". There are various forms of Avalokitesvara(Chenrezig in Tibetan).
the Lord who looks down on the World" or according to another interpretation " the Regarder of the Cries of the World".
So here we go we have a little bit info about him, and let's jump into what he is trying to say to us.
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards- Avalokitesvara |
You might have strong emotions which you believe that you have been misunderstood, upset , even feeling sorry for yourself and thinking that you have been used
When we picked this card It means we need to stop and look the situation from someone else's perspective, point of view