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Alien Implants

Alien implants is a term used in Ufology to describe a physical object placed in someone's body after they have been abducted by aliens. Claimed abilities of the implants range from mind control to biotelemetry (the latter akin to humans tagging wild animals for study).
As with UFO subjects in general, the idea of "alien implants" has seen very little attention from mainstream scientists because of a lack of verifiable evidence. American podiatrist Dr. Roger Leir claims to have recovered about a dozen such implants from people's bodies. He claims that these implants have unusual characteristics, including emitting radio signals, and moving independently under subjects' skin. These claims have not been independently verified.
According to researcher Peter Rogerson (who is generally sceptical of alien abduction claims), the idea of allegedly genuine alien implants can be traced back to the 1950s, as part of the so-called "Shaver Mystery" -- claims that the "Dero," a sinister civilization in beneath the earth, was kidnapping people for torture. Rogerson writes:
the March 1957 edition of the long John Nebel radio show featured John Robinson, a sidekick of Jim Moseley reporting a dramatically spooky, if not very plausible, abduction tale. The gist of it was that in 1944 Robinson had a neighbour named Steve Brodie who one day saw (in Robinson's apartment) a copy of one of Ray Palmer's magazines featuring the Dero. Brodie yelled out "He speaks of the Dero!", and proceeded to tell Robinson how he had been prospecting out west with a companion in 1938. One day they encountered two mysterious cowled figures who paralyzed Brodie by pointing a rod-like device at him. When the companion tried to flee, they fired at him and Brodie heard him scream, and smelled burnt flesh. When one of the figures placed 'small earphones' behind his ears he lost consciousness. From time to time he came to, in a place which fellow prisoners told him was the cave of the Dero. Each time his brain began to clear, the cowled one adjusted the earphones and he lost consciousness again. He eventually came to, walking the streets of Manhattan two years later. Brodie showed Robinson scarred patches behind his ears, a little smaller than a silver dollar. Since his ordeal Brodie claimed he was unable to eat meat ... Time passed; Robinson left the apartment but on returning for a visit found that Brodie had disappeared. Another neighbour told Robinson that he had seen Brodie in Arizona, wandering about like a zombie. We are presumably supposed to conclude that he was back under the control of the Dero. It is in this unlikely tale that we first encounter the implants (behind the ears, as in Invasion of the Martians) and other abductionist staples such as the paralyzing rods and the doorway amnesia. In later years, the claims of people like Budd Hopkins and David Michael Jacobs would popularize alien abduction ideas in general, including reports of unusual "implants" associated with abductions.

Individuals who claim that they have been abducted by extra terrestrials often believe that their bodies have been implanted with some sort of object. During routine X-rays and MRIs abductees discover unexplained objects in their body. Indeed, under hypnosis abductees often describe operations in which needles are inserted into the brain; more frequently still, they report implantation of foreign objects through the sinus deep inside their nasal cavity, hand, leg or ear by extra terrestrials.
Numerous implants have been removed and studied by medical doctors. The doctors have found that the implants are no more than 3cm (1 inch) long and 1mm (1/16 of an inch) in thickness. The implant is wire-shaped and under an electron microscope appears to have a complex structure containing many different layers. Tests have shown that the implant is composed of a variety of metals and alloys. The implants have highly magnetic qualities and glow fluorescent green when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light. The implants are usually attached to major nerve centers and unsophisticated medical procedures used in an attempt to remove the implants have often resulted in severe injury or even death of the abductee.
Technicians have theorized that the implants could be a transmitter or receiver of some sort of signal. Other individuals believe that the implants could be some sort of monitoring device that receives signals from the abductee's nervous system. The ultimate goal would be mind control.
A device known as a "stimoceiver, " was invented in the late '50s- early '60s by a neuroscientist named Jose "Bob" Delgado. The stimoceiver is a miniature depth electrode which can receive and transmit electronic signals over FM radio waves. By stimulating a correctly-positione d stimoceiver, an outside operator can wield a surprising degree of control over the subject's responses. His experiments on animal and humans clearly demonstrate that the experimenter can electronically induce emotions and behavior. Abductee accounts are replete with stories of bewildering and inappropriate sexual response countered by extremely painful stimuli .
Delgado asserted that his experiments "support the distasteful conclusion that motion, emotion, and behavior can be directed by electrical forces and that humans can be controlled like robots by push buttons." He even prophesied a day when brain control could be turned over to non-human operators, by establishing two-way radio communication between the implanted brain and a computer.
Other researchers have made notable contributions to Electronical Brain Stimulation such as Robert G. "Bob" Heath, of Tulane University or James Olds. Later Ralph Schwitzgebel designed tracking devices that could be used for tracking all the physical and neurological signs of a "patient" within a quarter of a mile. Little wonder then that with advanced technology, the control scope can be extended to the whole planet